Our Trusts

As a Group, we constantly make efforts to contribute meaningfully to the communities that we are a part of. Approximately 23% of the promoter holding in the Godrej Group is held in trusts that invest in the environment, health and education.


The Pirojsha Godrej Foundation


Approximately 23 percent of Godrej & Boyce is held by the Pirojsha Godrej Foundation, a public charitable trust that was incorporated in 1972, with a charter to support education, skilling and environmental sustainability.



The Godrej Foundation


Approximately 23 of Godrej Seeds & Genetics is held by the Godrej Foundation. It was incorporated in 2017, and has a charter to support education, skilling and environmental sustainability.


The Godrej Memorial Trust


Established in 1984, the Godrej Memorial Trust is a Public Charitable Trust founded with the objective of developing and maintaining hospitals, clinics, dispensaries and other institutions to provide medical relief to individuals who are disadvantaged of means.

  • The Trust runs a charitable clinic at Okhla, New Delhi since 1984. It provides diagnosis and treatment by reputed doctors and surgeons in the fields of paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology. The clinic is well equipped with X-Ray, ECG and a clinical laboratory for investigations.
  • The trust set-up the 120-bed multi-speciality Godrej Memorial Hospital in 2005. Established on a not-for-profit basis and operated on a model that provides healthcare, at subsidised prices to those living in Vikhroli and the adjoining suburbs.

The Soonabai Pirojsha Godrej Foundation


The Soonabai Pirojsha Godrej Foundation was set up in 1985 to oversee the conservation and preservation of the largest privately managed belt of mangroves in Mumbai. The first of its kind in India to formally adopt ISO 14001 standards for Environment Management Systems.

The management of the mangrove ecosystem of Pirojshanagar focusses on three inter-linked components: research, conservation and awareness.

Research includes facilitation of short-term, mid-term and long-term studies undertaken by schools, undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral college students and professional researchers.

Conservation includes on-site protection of the mangrove ecosystem by providing security to the premises, development and management of a mangrove nursery, regular plantation programmes, development and management of educational infrastructure such as nature trails, theme gardens, a mangrove information centre, a marine aquarium and a watchtower.

Awareness includes outdoor nature walks and indoor activities for organised groups such as schools, colleges, citizen groups, corporate employees, professional associations and others. The outdoor activities focus on plant diversity, wildlife (insects, birds, etc.) photography, interactive and educational games and participatory plantations. Indoor activities include film screenings, quizzes, presentations, talks, exploring mangrove information centre and indoor games.

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